
Archive for Xullo 2009

Sete meses despois, dinse pronto. Nestes meses tiven ocasions para o esquecemento, para odiar os blogs e o xeito coma internet controla as nosas vidas, para enfadarme por ter comezado este blog,…en fin, tempo de sobra para non escribir.

Agora volvo a estar aqui, lonxe da terra e coa morriña galega que sempre me acompaña. Curioso sentimento o da morriña, faite desexar volver pero non o sentes se non estas fora, asi que en realidade casi che fai desexar estar lonxe. Os galegos, como nos definia Galeano, aqueles que cando estan na Arxentina añoran a terra e arrendan bares e poñenlles o nome do seu pobo natal; pero cando volven, añoran estar lonxe e arrendan bares e chamanlles Buenos Aires, ou Montevideo. Sera que cando saimos da casa volvemonos persoas de ningures, persoas feitas de morriña.

Asi e todo, estou de novo en Inglaterra, esta vez no Sur, en Reading. Lista para continuar as miñas andanzas polo mundo, votando de menos que é o que mellor sei facer.

Unbelievable, the months have run so quickly. 7 months have passed after my last post here. During these months, I have time enough to hate blogs and the way in which they control our lifes (the internet big eye over us) enough time to regret this blog… and finally, enough time for not write nothing here.

I am far again now.  So far from home that this special gallician feeling called “morriña” has started on me. The writter Galeano talked about this feeling in one of his books: the morriña makes that Gallician people who is living far and rent a bar,  call it with their gallician home village. But when they return, this feelling appears too, when they rent a bar  in Galicia, Buenos Aires or Montevideo are the names choosed. Strange feelling this, who makes changed the people´s heart, there are not more blood, they have now morriña in their veins.

Those are the hard factors of our life when we are living far, and I am in Britain again, missing the sun and ready for the next step, missing because to miss is the best thing I know how to do

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